Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment

Continuous Integration

As CI server I choose Jenknins. Link to it is located in Monitoring Links.

CI pipeline configuration: in each submodule special file (Jenkninsfile) is created, which describes process of extraction and testing this submodule

Access to repo: for access to repo GitHub Deployment keys are used. Each key is named by schema: story_line2_build -> with key id_rsa.story_line2_build. Path to repo looks like:

Useful script for key generation:

for var in story_line2_crawler story_line2_build story_line2_deployment \
 story_line2_client-android story_line2_server_web story_line2_server_storm story_line2_morph \
 story_line2_config story_line2_glr_parser story_line2_analyser story_line2_glr_parser_debugger \
 story_line2_glr_parser_testing story_line2_token story_line2_geo story_line2_server_akka
    ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa -N "" -C "" -f id_rsa.$var

Server CI configuration

To work correctly and get necessary code from github several steps must be done:

  1. apt-get update && apt-get -y install git
  2. generate necessary keys (see script above)
  3. Import public part of the key into guthub (in REPO Repository->Settings->Deploy Keys, don’t forget give a meaningful name)
  4. add into /home/jenkins-user-name/.ssh/config:
     user git
     IdentitiesOnly yes
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.<reponame>
  5. chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config !!!
  6. chmod 700 ~/.ssh !!!
  7. Add GitHub as known host ssh-keyscan -t rsa >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts)
  8. Check: ssh -T
  9. Note: use usual git repo (not github) in form of ssh://
  10. Read link 1
  11. Read link 2

Continuous Deployment. Production server configuration

On production server cron-running task makes:

  1. checks SHA1 remote repo story_line2_deployment with tag latest with current stored value - case of difference it calls git pull (and get new version of scripts, configs and so on…). After that it calls puppet apply (trough batch file “”).

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